1在尋覓的路上,我數(shù)過太多的樹.I counted many trees on the way 拷貝_
2我去尋找,這一路伴著風景.When I was seeking, the landscape was with me 拷貝_
3一切的源頭,要從這說起.The source of everything, starts from here 拷貝_
4時間把魯博包裹住,讓他像是一個明星穿梭在那個時代.The time wrapped up Lubo, making him look like a star in that era 拷貝_
5拿著槍站在礁石上的魯博.Lubo, standing on the rocks with a gun 拷貝_
7水泥的荷葉上露出的時間的重量.The weight of time exposed on the lotus leaf of cement 拷貝_
8荷花的形態(tài).The form of lotus 拷貝_
9櫥窗里的枯萎的吊蘭.The withered bracketplant in the window 拷貝_
10六十七軍門口午睡的狗.The dogs that nap at the gate of the sixty-seventh army 拷貝_
11六十七軍的會議室.The conference room of the sixty-seventh army 拷貝_
12記憶中的假山縫里長出了刺.The false mountain in memory had a thorn in it 拷貝_
13我只好離開,又怎地讓自己承受.I had to leave, I could not bear it 拷貝_
14我想念我的親人.I miss my family 拷貝_
15合影留念.Took a group photo 拷貝_
16一共五個,丟了一個.Five altogether_. One lost 拷貝_
17躺著的子彈.Lying bullet 拷貝_
18子彈的形態(tài).The form of bullet 拷貝_
19一張關于魯博的報紙.A newspaper about Lubo 拷貝_
20一張關于魯博的報紙2.A newspaper about Lubo 2 拷貝_
21這是一堆慶祝的篝火,紀念20年的時間的火焰.It was a bonfire of celebration, commemorating the flames of 20 years 拷貝_
22我在這遇到了另一個魯博,我在病床上測過臉,與他微微一笑.I met another Lubo here_. I turned my face in the hospital bed and smiled 拷貝_
23一堆橘子和雪花膏.A bunch of oranges and cream 拷貝_
24母親曾經工作過的銀行入口的燈.The lamp at the entrance of the bank where my mother used to work 拷貝_
25母親吃著橘子,看著魯博遠去的方向.My mother ate the orange and looked at Lubo's way 拷貝_
26將軍樓里留下的物品和那年久的窗戶紙.The items left in the general's building and the window papers that year 拷貝_
27夜晚廣場大屏幕上放的老電影.Old movies on the big screen at night 拷貝_
28我在努力尋找的,誰會在乎?誰會為之動容那?The stuffs I was trying to find. Who cares Who will be moved? 拷貝_
29它是一種陪伴,一種傾訴.It is a kind of company, a kind of talk 拷貝_
30父親指著遠方,那里只有一個框.My father pointed to the distance, there was only a box 拷貝_
31軍隊菜園.The army garden 拷貝_
32通往臥虎山的路.The road to the crouching tiger mountain 拷貝_
33走向和痕跡.Strike and trace 拷貝_
34尋找魯博的圖紙.Looking for Lubo's drawings 拷貝_
35一條記憶中的路,一條充滿了酒糟味道的路.A road in my memory_. A road filled with the smell of wine 拷貝_
36臥虎山上的龍.The dragon on the crouching tiger hill 拷貝_
37鄉(xiāng)的野草瘋狂的生長,遮住了故的土地。The wild grass grows wild in the countryside. Obscured the land 拷貝_
38終究也擺脫不了的命運.In the end, it can't get rid of the fate 拷貝_
39時間就這樣在山楂上結出了霜.The time was frosty on the hawthorn 拷貝_
40姥姥炸的豆干.My grandma Fried beans 拷貝_
41記憶在鍋里沸騰,散發(fā)出味道.The memory boiled in the pan and gave off a taste 拷貝_
42家里陽臺的一角.A corner of the house balcony 拷貝_
43窗外的電線.Outside wire 拷貝_
44海的石子路.The stone road of the sea 拷貝_
45黎明時分的火車站.The train station at dawn 拷貝_
47那是魯博第一次觸及湖水,通往湖泊的路,是向上的.It was the first time Lubo touched the lake_. The road to the lake was up 拷貝_
48一顆越長越歪的樹.A tree that grows crooked 拷貝_
49夏天水藻附著在石頭表面,稍不留神就摔了后腦勺.In summer, algae are attached to the surface of the stone_. I threw my head off a little unmindful 拷貝_
50海那么大,找不到邊際.The sea is too big to find the margin 拷貝_
51親人的家庭照片.Family photos of loved ones 拷貝_
52田間的一頂帽子,它好像是守田人.A hat in the field, it seems to be a field ma 拷貝_
53我從在這里播種,在我記憶深刻的土地上開花。I sow it from here. Blooming on my impressive land 拷貝_
54當我戰(zhàn)勝一切,留給我的也只不過是一座豐碑.When I triumph over everything, it is only a monument to me_
1在尋覓的路上,我數(shù)過太多的樹.I counted many trees on the way 拷貝_
2我去尋找,這一路伴著風景.When I was seeking, the landscape was with me 拷貝_
3一切的源頭,要從這說起.The source of everything, starts from here 拷貝_
4時間把魯博包裹住,讓他像是一個明星穿梭在那個時代.The time wrapped up Lubo, making him look like a star in that era 拷貝_
5拿著槍站在礁石上的魯博.Lubo, standing on the rocks with a gun 拷貝_
7水泥的荷葉上露出的時間的重量.The weight of time exposed on the lotus leaf of cement 拷貝_
8荷花的形態(tài).The form of lotus 拷貝_
9櫥窗里的枯萎的吊蘭.The withered bracketplant in the window 拷貝_
10六十七軍門口午睡的狗.The dogs that nap at the gate of the sixty-seventh army 拷貝_
11六十七軍的會議室.The conference room of the sixty-seventh army 拷貝_
12記憶中的假山縫里長出了刺.The false mountain in memory had a thorn in it 拷貝_
13我只好離開,又怎地讓自己承受.I had to leave, I could not bear it 拷貝_
14我想念我的親人.I miss my family 拷貝_
15合影留念.Took a group photo 拷貝_
16一共五個,丟了一個.Five altogether_. One lost 拷貝_
17躺著的子彈.Lying bullet 拷貝_
18子彈的形態(tài).The form of bullet 拷貝_
19一張關于魯博的報紙.A newspaper about Lubo 拷貝_
20一張關于魯博的報紙2.A newspaper about Lubo 2 拷貝_
21這是一堆慶祝的篝火,紀念20年的時間的火焰.It was a bonfire of celebration, commemorating the flames of 20 years 拷貝_
22我在這遇到了另一個魯博,我在病床上測過臉,與他微微一笑.I met another Lubo here_. I turned my face in the hospital bed and smiled 拷貝_
23一堆橘子和雪花膏.A bunch of oranges and cream 拷貝_
24母親曾經工作過的銀行入口的燈.The lamp at the entrance of the bank where my mother used to work 拷貝_
25母親吃著橘子,看著魯博遠去的方向.My mother ate the orange and looked at Lubo's way 拷貝_
26將軍樓里留下的物品和那年久的窗戶紙.The items left in the general's building and the window papers that year 拷貝_
27夜晚廣場大屏幕上放的老電影.Old movies on the big screen at night 拷貝_
28我在努力尋找的,誰會在乎?誰會為之動容那?The stuffs I was trying to find. Who cares Who will be moved? 拷貝_
29它是一種陪伴,一種傾訴.It is a kind of company, a kind of talk 拷貝_
30父親指著遠方,那里只有一個框.My father pointed to the distance, there was only a box 拷貝_
31軍隊菜園.The army garden 拷貝_
32通往臥虎山的路.The road to the crouching tiger mountain 拷貝_
33走向和痕跡.Strike and trace 拷貝_
34尋找魯博的圖紙.Looking for Lubo's drawings 拷貝_
35一條記憶中的路,一條充滿了酒糟味道的路.A road in my memory_. A road filled with the smell of wine 拷貝_
36臥虎山上的龍.The dragon on the crouching tiger hill 拷貝_
37鄉(xiāng)的野草瘋狂的生長,遮住了故的土地。The wild grass grows wild in the countryside. Obscured the land 拷貝_
38終究也擺脫不了的命運.In the end, it can't get rid of the fate 拷貝_
39時間就這樣在山楂上結出了霜.The time was frosty on the hawthorn 拷貝_
40姥姥炸的豆干.My grandma Fried beans 拷貝_
41記憶在鍋里沸騰,散發(fā)出味道.The memory boiled in the pan and gave off a taste 拷貝_
42家里陽臺的一角.A corner of the house balcony 拷貝_
43窗外的電線.Outside wire 拷貝_
44海的石子路.The stone road of the sea 拷貝_
45黎明時分的火車站.The train station at dawn 拷貝_
47那是魯博第一次觸及湖水,通往湖泊的路,是向上的.It was the first time Lubo touched the lake_. The road to the lake was up 拷貝_
48一顆越長越歪的樹.A tree that grows crooked 拷貝_
49夏天水藻附著在石頭表面,稍不留神就摔了后腦勺.In summer, algae are attached to the surface of the stone_. I threw my head off a little unmindful 拷貝_
50海那么大,找不到邊際.The sea is too big to find the margin 拷貝_
51親人的家庭照片.Family photos of loved ones 拷貝_
52田間的一頂帽子,它好像是守田人.A hat in the field, it seems to be a field ma 拷貝_
53我從在這里播種,在我記憶深刻的土地上開花。I sow it from here. Blooming on my impressive land 拷貝_
54當我戰(zhàn)勝一切,留給我的也只不過是一座豐碑.When I triumph over everything, it is only a monument to me_
中央美術學院11級 影像設計本科
中央美術學院15級 攝影專業(yè)研究生